Thursday, June 24, 2010

Black heads ppl... i know gross but whats the cure!! ive tried everything.?

Wash your face with warm water, and your usual cleanser (I use soap, but some people don't like using soap on their face), then, use a gentle scrub, such as Clean %26amp; Clear Exfoliating Gel, or St Ives Gentle Apricot scrub. Pay careful attention to your problem areas. Then, dry your face, and apply a light moisturizer, such as Nivea After Sun, or Jergens Ultra Moisturizing Lotion (I think). Avoid heavy creams such as Nivea face cream, as these can clog your pores, leading to a very greasy, spotty face. If you have zits, and the cream exacerbates them, avoid putting it on them, or near them. If the cream you are using causes breakouts, switch to another lightweight cream. Light creams shouldn't bring you out it zits, unless you are at a susceptible time of the month, or you are putting too much on.Black heads ppl... i know gross but whats the cure!! ive tried everything.?鈥?/a>鈥?/a>Black heads ppl... i know gross but whats the cure!! ive tried everything.?
(I was wondering the same thing! It getting on my nerves now!) Anyways, I would use the strips. It pulls the black heads out from the nose and gets the roots so they wont grow back!
rubbing alcohol ( you kno the thing u put on cuts to disenfect them)

clean it with it every 3-5 hours
lemon juice helps or bezoly peroxide
PORE STRIPS. They are god! Biore makes really good ones.

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