Saturday, December 5, 2009

Black heads by my nose. help?

i aswell as everyone else have black heads by my nose, this is because of sweet but now im starting to get whiteheads aswell. is there anyway i can try to get rid of theese pimples %26amp; spots?

i've tried just washing it water (i recomend this alot because it works but not by me nose!)Black heads by my nose. help?
Try a mask or nose strips to bring existing blackheads out, then Listerine to clean your face. As for a breakout, clean with the Listerine, if really red, hold an ice cube on it and before bedtime, put white toothpaste a dab will do. You don't have to rub it in, but make sure it's covered. by morning most of the red should be gone. Try to keep your fingers off your face. Always use cotton balls, q-tips, something sanitary

The Listerine should start drying alot of it over night.

My youngest - 18 wanted me to get pro-active, I ask her before I did just to try for a week using the Listerine. Mom was right, two days later, her breakout was gone. She has been blemish free for about 3 months now, which for her is a blessing. clean your face about 3 times a day for the first two days. When getting up, after school and before bedtime. You'll notice a difference before the week is up. When not necessary, clean all make-up off, like when you come home from school. Your skin can breath easier. do this until the breakouts stop.

I am now 47 and since childhood I have always cleaned my face with Listerine and cotton balls, especially over and around the nose and forehead area. You would not believe the dirt that comes off. With it being antiseptic you have an additional benefit of pimples unable to form. I have always had a clear, light complexion. I still clean my makeup off with Listerine.Black heads by my nose. help?
Do you mean Dental Floss? not sure what your meaning. But Listerine is not expensive. You can get some for about $2.00 at walmart. I buy the big bottles. Report Abuse

Have you tried the strips that you put on your nose and leave on for a while? I think Pond's make them. They work really good. They are medicated my son used them when he was a teenager.
get a wet cloth and put cream on it and scrub really really works!!!鈥?/a>
use a blackhead clearing facil scrub from the store or you can make one by mixing equal parts baking soda and water. rub this on your nose for two minutes then rinse with warm water.
I have suffered from blackheads on the nose for years, but recently I was instructed to buy a cleaning scrub with Salicylic Acid in it and it works. I personally use Kiehl's Blue Herbal Gel Cleanser everyday in the shower with a Buff Puff (found at any CVS or Walgreens). I also use Kiehl's Epidermal Re-Texturizing Micro-Dermabrasion once a week prior to showering and the blackheads are gone. You can probably find Kiehl's products in the mall or on-line. Good luck and I hope this helps.
god..i wish i knew!
Get a good clay mask that draw out impurities. Neutrogena has a few fantastic options. Also try olay cleansers and moisturisers.
You could try bying oxy My sister had the same problem and it worked 4 her I houp it works!
a facial scub with micro beads, it helps!!
apply orange juice on u r face

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