Sunday, December 13, 2009

How can u stop black heads?

St. Ives used to make only one kind of apricot scrub, but now they have about 3 variations, and one of them is the blackhead and acne scrub. I tried, it and it works wonders. Even those biore strips didn't get them off of my skin, but the scrub did. Follow the directions on the back. Plus it made my skin so soft, and my fiance uses it now too!How can u stop black heads?
There are some products that are made just for black heads, i know clearcil makes a cleanser for blackheads.How can u stop black heads?
a good skin regime and exfoliation will help. use oil free products and a moisturizer with sacilyic acid.
I used to have black heads and I found this scrub made by clean and clear which took care of it. all you gotta do is rub it all over your face and it removes them. give it a try
Use boire blackead cream , it makes heats your skin when you rub it on so when you wash it it works

always get on of those little metal tools with a circle on the end with a hole in i dont know what they are called sorry lol
get a good facial scrub st ives is good but I also use a facial brush it is soft bristle but works great it really exfoliates your face
I agree with eelaynah I use the apricot scrub and it works great. I have been using Mary Kay solutions for about 6 yeats and my skin is great I get compliments but black heads are always there I felt there mask was not helping so I use the apricot scrub for maybe 4 months now and its amazing even my boyfriend uses it he says it leaves his face smooth try it its great.
Black heads come because your skin is oily right now and your pores are a little bit larger. The best thing is a tube of one of those cleansers that feel like they have sand in them. They get down in the pores and smooth your skin. The good news is that you don't have to live with those all your life. They go away around 30.

Or mine did. Good Luck!!
wash ur face with lathered soap at least twice a day

remove makeup before u go to sleep
  • product key
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